
Monday, 2 May 2016

My word of the moment is 'Synchronicity'.

I can't get enough of it, it blows my mind how much this happens. The connectedness between us and the Universal energy is so amazing.
Synchronicity is great fun when you're open enough to see it.
I read an explanation recently that gelled with me-

' When you watch a 3D movie you put on special glasses in order to see images emerge that had been invisible before. Learning about Synchronicity is like putting on special glasses that allow new dimensions that have been there all along, to now be visible.'

Once you start to understand and be open to it, you see it happening everywhere.

Carl Yung initially posed the idea of Synchronicity and explained it as
'The meaningful coincidence of inner and outer events that are not causally connected.'
The key word is meaningful 💜

Do yourself a favour and open your mind to linked events and happenings that bring about a significant event or happening.
Feel free to share if you've got something to add 🌻


Reiki 🙏🏼

I've been asked heaps 'what is Reiki?'

Have you ever felt like Bill Murray in Ghostbusters after he'd been slimed by the ghost?

You feel tired, lethargic, no drive, sick but nothing's wrong with you or you just feel in a rut and you have no motivation to get going?

Reiki is like a gurni filled with loving energy that comes and washes all that sludge away 💜

You remain fully clothed, laying or sitting or however you're comfy and reiki is given through the practitioners hands to you.
Some people go to sleep, some talk, some cry, some laugh, Reiki goes to where it's needed and works to balance your energy and remove any energy blocks that are there from injury or past events.

Reiki is amazing for helping people work through issues from their past, some use reiki in conjunction with a psychologist and have fantastic results letting go of past hurts.

Athletes have Reiki to help with injury but also to prepare them energetically for their events.
As do students have Reiki leading up to and during exams to help control anxiety and ensure they remain calm.

Pregnant women love Reiki, it helps to bond Mother and baby and give the expectant mum calm, neutral energy through her pregnancy and alleviate sickness.

Reiki can be used on animals and plants and also to clear the energy in your home or office.

Reiki has no religious connotations and is not witchcraft, we are all made up of energy and Reiki is the Universal energy available to us all.
Anyone can become a Reiki practitioner by training with a Reiki Master and being attuned with Reiki energy.

If you have any questions please get in touch, I've seen some amazing things come from being open to Reiki. After all Love cures all and that's what Reiki is 💜💜💜

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